BIM Services

BIM is a visualization tool that bridges the gap between architectural, engineering and construction practices. BIM involves using 3D, real-time and dynamic building modelling software that contains all the building related information.

Our Building Information Modelling (BIM) services are best explained under these two categories: BIM Dimensions & BIM Level of Detail / Development (LOD).

BIM Dimensions

A BIM's Dimensions stipulates the type of information that is added to a building model. We can add 7 types of information to a building model. These are described below:


Early Stage Modeling

1D BIM is a basic 3D model of the building. This allows one to understand the shape and massing of the building and its elements.


Plans, Sections, Elevations & Schedules

2D BIM incorporates details of all elements of the model sufficient enough to obtain 2D CAD drawings and schedules from the model, The drawings thus derived, will then need to be further detailed and coordinated to produce construction information.


Clash Detection, Walk Throughs, Assembly Sequence Drawings

3D BIM incorporates specific 3D data of the building elements which are coordinated with each other in 3 dimensions to remove clashes, display assemblies or assembly sequences, create walk throughs and produce construction information with little addition of 2D CAD drawings.


Construction Sequencing

4D BIM adds information of scheduling of various elements of the model. This allows obtaining accurate program visualizations and shows just how the project will develop sequentially.


Bill of Quantities & Cost Management

5D BIM applies cost to the elements of the model to obtain accurate quantities and overall cost of the project, which is automatically updated as the model develops. This further allows for budget planning.


Energy Performance of Buildings

6D BIM incorporates information on the energy performance of the building elements and systems. This allows for calculation of energy performance of the building and helps in designing energy efficient buildings from the inception stage.


Asset Management & COBie

7D BIM incorporates asset data such as component status, specifications, maintenance/operation manuals, warranty data, etc. This information can be extracted in COBie format to be used outside the BIM software by 3rd party building management programmes and even Microsoft Excel. This allows for easier and quicker parts replacements and a streamlined asset life cycle management over time. The model can be continually updated during the life time of the building to help manage the asset from design to demolition.

BIM Level of Detail / Development (LOD)

A BIM's Level of Detail / Development (LOD), measures the level of refinement of the 3D geometry of the building model. This is used as a measure of the service level required. We create BIM models from LOD 100 to LOD 500. These are described below:

LOD 100 - Concept Design

3D model is developed to represent the basic overall shape of the building. Parameters like area, height, volume, location and orientation are defined.

LOD 200 - Schematic Design

The model is further refined to add generic shape, and approximate size to building elements. Structure, floor slabs, generic fenestration and other elements of architectural detail are added.

LOD 300 - Detailed Design

The model is refined for construction accuracy with elements modelled to specific shape and size. Non-geometric information (manufacturer, model, finish, etc.) is added to the model elements. This information can then be globally controlled and called into annotations on drawings.

LOD 350 - Construction Detail

The model is refined for establishing details of interfaces of elements with respect to each other. Clashes between elements are removed. Construction documentation is derived from the model along with additional 2D CAD information, graphics and written annotations.

LOD 400 - Fabrication & Assembly

The model is refined to include manufacturer dimensions and assembly details for all elements. Further non-geometric information (performance criteria, assembly instructions, etc.) is added to the model elements. This information can then be globally controlled, called into annotations on drawings or and used by building management systems.

LOD 500 - As-Built

Site specific changes are incorporated into the model. Other non-geometric information (warranty documents, user manuals, maintenance contact, etc.) is also added to the model elements to assist in the operation and maintenance of the building.