3D & Animation

People have a very hard time visualizing architectural concept and comprehending how a design would eventually turn out to be.

With advancement of technology, construction has gone digital, architectural presentations have moved from draft tables to desktops and tablets. The computer-generated imagery is now enabling the client to get a holistic understanding of a space or building even before investing in the resources to make it a reality. Facilitating this kind of imagery provides an edge to the designer, bringing about clarity in the design discussions with the client and many other benefits.


3D Views

  • These are photo realistic imagery of a project.
  • These views help the client to comprehend spatial concepts very easily.
  • They minimise any possibility of errors & help identify potential design problem.
  • They help designers to be more creative and experimental.
  • They make it easier for designers to communicate with their teams
  • They allow adjustments during the planning stage, hence saving time and money.
  • They help achieve more in lesser time and reduced costs.
  • Realistic lighting can help choose appropriate furniture & colour schemes.
  • They help in getting regulatory permissions faster by reducing inaccuracies and uncertainties.
  • They can help in seeking investments even before the onset of the project.

Construction Animations

  • These use motion graphics along with 3D views.
  • Animated tours of a project facilitate visualizing the flow of spaces within the project.
  • These are a cost-effective user-friendly way of providing a realistic experience to the client.
  • They can be used by interior designers to give the actual feel of how the décor would turn out.
  • They can provide realistic lighting & help in experimenting with finishes and colour schemes.
  • They are a powerful marketing tool.
  • As the industry continues to go global, there is a need to adapt to the latest in communication technology. It is easy to share the experience with international clients through these animations.

360-degree Views (VR)

  • These are powerful video experiences giving a control to rotate fully on screen.
  • These are cost-effective, close-to-real experiences.
  • They help the user take control of looking at the different spaces from various angles by panning both horizontally & vertically
  • They are frequently used by dealers to show apartments to their prospective buyers or tenants.
  • They help shorten the time-on-the-market span.
  • They help improve the decision-making cycle of clients and hence the deal closure span.
  • They are easy to share with the clients for their multiple viewing or for consulting other family members.
  • They help build credibility in the market for transparency and for flexibility of incorporating any design preferences.

360-degree Virtual Walkthrough

  • These create a virtual reality simulation environment.
  • These give an immersive viewing experience with a fully interactive 3D environment.
  • They help the user to orient themselves, and to manoeuvre through the property.
  • They help in getting a full view of customer interaction, opinions about the products & services.
  • They help in receiving valuable and workable feedback from clients that can be integrated into the finished design.
  • They play a huge role in marketing strategy.
  • Millennials who have grown up in a digital world, make a lot of decisions by online viewing. Listing of the virtual tour on the website helps in making the project stand out in comparison to the competitors.
  • Professionals from the building and construction industry can showcase their vision effectively and collaborate with the stake holders to make it a reality.
  • These walkthroughs are very helpful for commercial real estate to portray their vision to investors and establish a trust-building relationship for future collaborations as well.